He runs a print shop and serves as a councillor in the village of Halouny, where he lives with his family. At the age of 12, he became the victim of abuse by a Catholic priest and this abuse lasted until he reached adulthood. At the age of 22, he experienced repressed trauma, which took him two years to process and bring under control. He eventually confronted the abusive priest and they worked things out. The topic of abuse in the Catholic Church is being publicized in an effort to create a safe environment. Jiří remained an active Catholic believer and has not given up on the Church or God because he has met with great priests during his life. He is currently the co-chair of Někdo Ti uvěří, a project that helps victims of abuse, not only in the Catholic Church, to find the courage and open up about their story in a confidential setting.
Jiří Kylar
